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fraudulent transfer
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Spotting the Signs of Fraudulent Transfers

Imagine a scenario where a debtor, facing mounting financial pressure, strategically transfers assets to avoid paying what is owed. The dissipation of resources to hinder creditors from collecting their debts is known as a fraudulent transfer.  The Illinois Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (IUFTA) allows creditors to challenge transfers made by debtors with the intent to Read More

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Types of Fraudulent Transfers That Can Be Set Aside Under Illinois Law

Debtors commonly engage in fraudulent transfers to avoid paying debts or other obligations by using two related tactics. The first is to dissipate assets; the debtor transfers property to a friendly third party in an effort to keep the assets out of the creditor’s reach. The second tactic is to take on higher priority debt Read More

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Spotting the Badges of Fraud Under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act

Winning a lawsuit lets you use court procedures to collect on your judgment. But what if the debtor suddenly claims they don’t have enough money or property to satisfy the debt? The debtor seemed financially healthy until very recently, but now claims poverty. That may signal one or more fraudulent transfers, which are acts of Read More

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