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Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

Chicago Attorneys Litigate Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

Experienced trial lawyers assert ownership rights in contentious cases

No one with a stake in a company likes to be ignored or taken for granted. But for business owners who’ve made a significant capital investment and partners who are staking their careers on the success of a company, such treatment is unbearable. If you believe that your business is on the wrong track, and your ownership rights are being trampled, it’s time to visit Schwartz Law Group, LLC in Chicago. Our experienced business litigation attorneys have the knowledge and skill to shape your grievance into a compelling case for relief.

When mismanagement and malfeasance threatens your corporate investment

Schwartz Law Group, LLC takes aggressive and decisive steps to protect partners and shareholders from incompetent or unlawful actions by corporate officers. Common areas of complaint include:

  • Corporate governance violations —Corporate officers and boards of directors must follow the company’s bylaws. Equitable relief is available to partners, members and shareholders when a company’s failure to follow approved operating procedures has adverse effects.
  • Breach of contract — When senior level executives violate the terms of their employment contract, stakeholders have reason for concern. We litigate contract disputes for shareholders and partners exercising their right to competent oversight of executive performance.
  • Compensation disputes —Boards of directors are notorious for approving lavish executive compensation that later turns out to be part of a quid pro quo arrangement. This type of behavior is a clear breach of fiduciary duty requiring aggressive litigation to remedy.
  • Buy/sell agreement disputes — Conflicts often arise over decisions to dispense with company assets or dedicate company resources to acquiring new assets. When these actions are not reasonably calibrated to enhance share value, shareholders may have cause to challenge these decisions.
  • Theft —A company must publish honest and accurate financial reports. When the numbers get fudged to inflate share prices or earn bonuses, that’s fraud. Misappropriating company assets for personal enrichment is embezzlement. Although these are criminal acts, your most appropriate remedy might be a civil lawsuit to compel restitution. Even the threat of a lawsuit (and possible criminal charges) might be enough to force a corrupt officer to reimburse the company and quietly resign.

Our attorneys have more than 50 years of combined service to Chicago area businesses and their constituents. We’re ready and able to assist you today.

Contact Schwartz Law Group, LLC for shareholder and partnership disputes in Chicago

Whether you are a partner in a business or a shareholder, ownership gives you rights. Schwartz Law Group, LLC can help you assert those rights in various situations involving corporate officer misconduct. To schedule an initial consultation at our Chicago office, call 312-436-1442 or contact us online.

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