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Chicago Real Estate Attorneys Litigate Nuisance Disputes

Aggressive representation for residential and commercial landlords

If you own commercial or residential property, you understand the effect neighborhood blight can have on your property value and your ability to conduct business. When a premises is so grossly neglected that conditions there threaten the health and safety of neighboring parties, those affected have the right to raise nuisance complaints to force necessary changes. Schwartz Law Group, LLC helps individuals, businesses and communities take action against nuisance buildings. With more than 50 years of combined real estate law experience, our litigators know precisely what must be done to obtain relief from unhealthy and dangerous conditions caused by:

  • Decaying animals or refuse
  • Drug cultivation and sale
  • Foul odors from stock animals
  • Graffiti
  • Smoke stacks
  • Solid waste and rubbish
  • Stagnant water
  • Vacant and abandoned buildings
  • Vermin
  • Weeds

Of course, we realize that all laws cut two ways, and activists with a special interest agenda may target a legitimate business, attempting to brand it as a nuisance to force its closure. Under those circumstances, our nuisance attorneys litigate vigorously for the defense.

Obtaining a designation as a chronic nuisance

When a property becomes a chronic nuisance, real estate law throughout Illinois gives local authorities the power to close its operations for 30 to 180 days, to levy fines and to demand a remediation of the problem. One remedy is to force the landlord to evict an offensive tenant. In a residential setting, this might mean evicting a person who is alleged to be cooking and selling methamphetamine. Businesses that belch foul smoke may also be evicted if they can’t remediate their chimneys.

Staunch defense for landlords exercising due care on commercial property

No amount of regulation is ever enough for certain extreme activists who are determined to shut businesses down. Whether the issue is animal rights or fracking, too often ideology trumps facts, so a company’s compliance with the law and its property rights are irrelevant. Fortunately, business owners have recourse to the courts and to Schwartz Law Group, LLC where we fight determinedly to protect the business you’ve worked so hard to build.

Call Schwartz Law Group, LLC in Chicago for real estate disputes involving nuisance statutes

Nuisance laws are designed to help the public without unfairly burdening business. At Schwartz Law Group, LLC, we put our knowledge of commercial real estate law to work for clients in tough disputes over property rights. Call us 312-436-1442 today or contact our firm online to schedule a consultation.

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