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How Our Lawyers Help Other Lawyers

How Our Lawyers in Chicago Help Other Lawyers Throughout the USA

A court’s judgment is meaningless if you can’t collect it

There are many fine attorneys who excel at getting a judgment against a defendant for damages, only to find that they can’t collect. The defendant certainly appears solvent, yet whatever assets he has (or had) are now safely — or so it seems — out of the reach of creditors or claimants. Under those circumstances, what do you, as an attorney, tell the clients who trusted you to deliver justice and win compensation? Can you really tell them, “We got justice, we just can’t get paid”? That’s when it’s time to visit Schwartz Law Group, LLC in Chicago. Our law firm delivers exactly what you need:

  • Specific experience — Our attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience, much of which has been devoted to helping creditors and attorneys frustrated by fraudulent transfers.
  • Particular knowledge — We have mastered the substantive law and rules of civil procedure in fraudulent transfer litigation and are regarded as authorities nationwide.
  • Personal attention — We are not a collection mill. We take challenging cases with arcane wrinkles that require creative solutions, and we work closely with our clients to solve problems.
  • Connections with forensic accounting and valuation experts – Fraudulent transfer litigation frequently requires the services of forensic accountants and valuation experts to unwind sophisticated transfer schemes.  We work with many well-qualified CFEs and CVAs in appropriate cases.

Standard debt collection services typically don’t work for fraudulent transfers

Can your practice survive if, after financing a long, hard-fought litigation, you can’t collect a fee? Probably not. Yet, too often, attorneys hand their judgment over to a debt collection agency who simply makes dunning calls, or to a creditor’s rights attorney who simply “goes through the motions” of a routine debtor’s examination. These tactics rarely work when you’re dealing with dishonest debtors who do not care about credit scores, and who hide assets to keep them out of your hands. Collection firms often don’t know how to pursue the legal remedies that the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act allows. But Schwartz Law Group, LLC has the know-how and the motivation to get the job done.

Our Chicago attorneys free personal injury lawyers to concentrate on what you do well

Personal injury law presents enough significant challenges that require a capable lawyer’s full attention.  Do what you do best, and help injured plaintiffs.  There’s no reason why you should dilute your skill set to master a completely new area of law and spend your time chasing con men. Why face a steep learning curve and the frustration that comes with making rookie mistakes, when you can devote your energies to the familiar practice that regularly generates income? When you delegate the task of collecting your judgment to us, we go to work with enthusiasm and vigor. Our lawyers relish the opportunity to catch yet another slick operator and seize his assets for you. And while we’re helping you, you’re helping your clients: win-win.

Collecting costs in Illinois civil litigation

Our Chicago firm is well-versed in the substantive law and procedural rules surrounding the recovery of attorney’s costs in civil litigation. If you have any questions about your ability to add charges to a prayer for relief, consult us today.

Let our Chicago attorneys help you recover funds lost through fraudulent transfer

When attorneys cannot collect on judgments, they face financial hardships that can ruin their practices. Schwartz Law Group, LLC can help you by tracing fraudulent transfers and claiming hidden assets. Call us today at 312-436-1442 or contact our Chicago office today.

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