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Unfair Business Practices

Chicago Attorneys Litigate Cases of Unfair Business Practices

Fighting fraud and deception in commercial transactions throughout Illinois

Business operators and consumers who try to get ahead honestly should not fall prey to unscrupulous cheats. That’s the idea behind two laws: The Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act and The Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act These laws provide private causes of action for fraud victims. But having a law on the books is not enough; you need lawyers who know how to use that law in court to get tangible results. Schwartz Law Group, LLC is a law firm with more than 50 years of combined experience in commercial civil litigation. Much of our practice has been spent pursuing unsavory characters who lie, cheat and defraud innocent consumers and business partners. We know how to go after these con men, and we get results.

Trust an attorney who’s dealt with con men in your unfair business practice litigation

The Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act provides a business with a private cause of action against any person who:

  • Passes off goods or services as those of another
  • Causes likelihood of misunderstanding as to the source or certification of goods or services
  • Causes likelihood of misunderstanding as to affiliation with or certification by another
  • Uses deceptive representations of the geographic origins of goods or services
  • Represents that goods are original or new if they are used or secondhand
  • Represents that goods or services are of a particular quality, if they are of another
  • Disparages the goods, services, or business of another by false or misleading representations
  • Advertises goods or services with intent not to sell them as advertised, or in supply expected to meet public demand without disclosing a limitation of quantity
  • Makes false or misleading statements concerning price reductions

If your business has suffered because of these (or other) unlawful business practices, the skilled commercial litigation attorneys at Schwartz Law Group, LLC can aggressively pursue damages and equitable relief.

Causes of action under The Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act

Illinois law allows individuals to seek damages for any deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise, misrepresentation, or concealment of facts when conducting trade or commerce. Under the law, the victim need not prove the perpetrator acted in bad faith or had the intent to deceive. A victim may take action for even an innocent misrepresentation. However, the victim must file the action within three years. The elements a plaintiff must prove are:

  • A deceptive act or practice by the defendant
  • The defendant intended the plaintiff to rely on the deception
  • The deception occurred in the course of trade or commerce
  • The deception caused actual damages to the plaintiff

The act does allow salespersons to engage in “puffery” and generally will not punish expressions of opinion. If you’re successful in proving your case, you may recover compensatory damages and punitive damages, as well as attorney’s fees.

If you’ve encountered unfair business practices in Chicago, contact Schwartz Law Group, LLC

Schwartz Law Group, LLC has the skill, knowledge and resources to hold con men accountable for their deceptions. If you’re been the victim of fraud or an unfair business practice in the greater Chicago area, we offer determined representation that gets results. Call today at 312-436-1442 or contact our firm online to schedule your initial consultation.

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